2012年10月11日 星期四


我們有時候打文章時,每個文章的行距有時設置的過於緊,會造成閱讀者看得很不舒服,所以,我們會想把行距拉大一點,讓閱讀者能看得舒服一點,這時候就要利用line-height 的屬性,來讓句子行距增加或減少。
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<p id="line1">The results of a survey <strong>keyword</strong> Friday showed <span>that 70 percent</span> of local <em>salaried employees</em> are hesitant(1) about getting married, citing insufficient(2) savings and job instability as the reasons.魚 橙</p>
<p id="line2">The results of a survey <strong>keyword</strong> Friday showed <span>that 70 percent</span> of local <em>salaried employees</em> are hesitant(1) about getting married, citing insufficient(2) savings and job instability as the reasons.魚 橙</p>
<p id="line3"> The results of a survey <strong>keyword</strong> Friday showed <span>that 70 percent</span> of local <em>salaried employees</em> are hesitant(1) about getting married, citing insufficient(2) savings and job instability as the reasons.魚 橙</p>
<p id="line4"> The results of a survey <strong>keyword</strong> Friday showed <span>that 70 percent</span> of local <em>salaried employees</em> are hesitant(1) about getting married, citing insufficient(2) savings and job instability as the reasons.魚 橙</p>
將css 也加進來吧!
<style type="text/css">
#line1 {
    line-height: 0.5em;
    background-color: #CF0;
#line2 {
    line-height: 1em;
    background-color: #CCC;
#line3 {
    line-height: 2em;
    background-color: #FFC;
#line4 {
    line-height: 3em;
    background-color: #9FC;
將#line1~4 依序line-height設置 0.5em、1em、2em、3em ,為了方便辨識,在每個都加了底色!來看看輸出結果吧!
一般而言,建議設置行距以%(百分比)或em (行長單位)為優,也可設定(px.pt)像素單位,如果當你的文字改變時,像素單位並無法隨之變動,而百分比或行長單位的方式,會隨你設定的文字大小,隨之變動,而就會減少文字重壘的狀況,特別在修改主體css時,更是要注意!

